Saturday, November 17, 2012

Andrew Bynum Vs Himself

It is true that Andrew Bynum is a PREMIER talent in the NBA!  What he can do on court makes him arguably the best center in the league, if not the second best.  There are a couple things that will make it hard for the 76ers new 7 footer to reach his goals of being the best center to ever play the game and guess what .... it's not his skills.

Reason numero uno ... his knees.  Self explanatory.

Reason numero dos ... his attitude.  Anyone who can write off being coached by Kareem Abdul Jabbar is an idiot.  Anyone who can't swallow his coach giving him instructions (like taking three point shots when you're a post up center) is a moron.  Anyone who doesn't get surgery until right before the season starts and then injures the healthy knee  bowling is ridiculous.

I am so glad the Lakers franchise got rid of him and picked up Dwight Howard, even if there are no guarantees he will stay next year.  I'll take the less talented, more athletic Howard over the punk Bynum any day of the week.

I'm tired.

I'm done.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One For The Money, Two For The Gold

I want to have a conversation about this ... I really do.  the main reason being, I'm not too sure how I feel about this.

with the NBA Finals all but won and the NBA season winding down, basketball fans will turn their attention to 2012 Olympics and all eyes will be on team USA's quest for the top podium and Olympic gold for the second straight games and five out of six Olympic games.  4 years ago, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James and company brought the home the gold after a very disappointing campaign in 2004.  

in 1992, FIBA allowed professional players the honor of representing their countries in the Olympic games and the US put together an impressive team of 11 future Hall of Famers including Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Michael Jordan.  These players put aside any differences they might have had playing against each other in the NBA to form what many consider to be the greatest team assembled in any sport.  the best of the best playing for pride and country.

as with team USA's once overwhelming dominance, the times now are different.

in an interview with FoxSports that was published April 11, 2012 Ray Allen had this take:

"You talk about the patriotism that guys should want to play for, but you (need to) find a way to entice the guys," Allen said. "It's not the easiest thing in the world if you play deep in the playoffs and then you get two, three weeks off and then you start training again to play more basketball where it requires you to be away from home and in another country. It's fun, but your body does need a break.

"Everybody says, 'Play for your country.' But (NBA players are) commodities, your businesses. You think about it, you do camps in the summer, you have various opportunities to make money. When you go overseas and play basketball, you lose those opportunties, what you may make… If I'm an accountant and I get outsourced by my firm, I'm going to make some money somewhere else."

shortly after that ESPN reported Dwayne Wade saying:

"It's a lot of things you do for the Olympics -- a lot of jerseys you sell.  We play the whole summer. I do think guys should be compensated. Just like I think college players should be compensated as well. Unfortunately, it's not there. But I think it should be something, you know, there for it."

so this is my question to you the reader:  should Olympic athletes get compensated for their time, energy and risk of injury participating in the games or should the honor and privilege of representing your country be enough?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Should Laker Fans Worry?

Earlier today the Lakers completed a season sweep of the defending NBA champs Dallas Mavericks in a thrilling 112-108 overtime victory at Staples.  They are now the proud owners of a 4 game winning streak and, get this, Kobe Bryant isn't even playing as he is resting his shins.  Bynum, Pau and the boys are 4 of 5 without the NBA's leading scorer and with 2 weeks left in the regular season, many people in LA are excited at the Lakers teamwork and the monster play of Andrew Bynum, Pau Gasol and Ramon Sessions.

The Lakers are playing great team ball and are winning games against teams that are expected to compete for the Western Conference title.  Drew is simply dominating, Pau is playing very well, Sessions is doing exactly what he was brought here to do and Kobe is resting.  Things are looking good heading into the playoffs.

.... Or are they?

I am one Laker fan that is worried and maybe it's just paranoia ... I'll admit that I am a skeptic when it comes to my team not because I don't believe but rather I don't want to get my hopes up to be let down.  But I think that I have some pretty good reasons to be skeptical about the Lakers going into the playoffs.  Let me see if I can explain this accurately.

1)  Kobe is a ballhog.  I make no qualms about it.  In these last 5 games without him the Lakers have found a chemistry that is working for them.  Whether it'll get them through the playoffs is still yet to be seen but for now they are playing well without the Mamba, moving the ball and giving guys chances to prove their worth.  When 24 gets back into the rotation, it'll probably throw everything they've gained out of wack.  Kobe takes 20+ shots a night and sometimes he is a black hole.  Everyone who was forced to step up will be relegated back to giving the ball to Kobe or Bynum and defense.  The Lakers balance has always been an issue with Kobe Bryant on the floor.  ALWAYS.

2)  Andrew Bynum is a punk.  Having 2 alpha players on one team is never good ... remember the Shaq and Kobe years.  As a player Andrew Bynum is really coming into his own but he has always been a punk.  This is a kid who told Kareem that he didn't need his help any more.  This is a kid who doesn't listen to his coach takes shots that are not smart at times that are even more ridiculous.  This is a kid who always thought he was hot shitake mushrooms but was held back by his constant injuries and now that he's healthy and playing EXTREMELY well, he is starting to act out.  I don't know if the Mamba and a big egoed Bynum will bode well for the future of the Lakers.

3)  Mike Brown still doesn't have control over the team and the faith of the fans.  This point has taken sort of a back seat since they are winning but if they start losing again, everyone will point fingers ... again.  Mike Brown is a good coach and is still proving his worth but to most Laker fans you have to prove it before they believe it.  Whether or not the players will fully buy in to Mike Brown Head Coach ... I just don't know at this point.

4)  Last year the Lakers played VERY WELL directly after all star weekend but fell apart heading into the playoffs.  With 2 weeks left in the regular season, there is still some room to unravel.  After seeing what happened last year, I'm not holding my breath.

Don't get me wrong, the Los Angeles still has a lot of things going for them.  Bynum beasting everyone, Pau filling the leadership gap the D-Fish left, MWP and Matt Barnes playing a lot better, Ramon Sessions and Kobe will be rested going into the playoffs.  These are things that will keep the Lakernation hopeful and excited for the playoffs, I won't count my chickens before they hatch.

If you are a Laker fan ... you shouldn't either.

Friday, April 6, 2012

You a BEAST! Don't Be a PUNK!!

Blake Griffin has been amazing the basketball universe with his amazing array of amazing dunks.  in short, he has been nothing short of ... well ... amazing.

watch this video and formulate some thoughts:

here's the thing ... I've been a Blake Griffin advocate since he started embarrassing people enough to start earning retaliations against him.  some players have even been preemptive in their attacks but Sir Dunks A Lot has always been the better man by walking away and avoiding a possible confrontation with those on the receiving end of one of his "nasties".  I liked him for that.

so my beef with him in this instance is regarding his last dunk on the video over Pau Gasol.  dawg ... why you tryna flex on one of the nicest, most classiest dudes in the NBA ... maybe the WORLD!  you could have flexed on Perkins but you didn't.  that fool Jason Smith straight checked you to the floor and you didn't do a thing.  so you decide to get in the face of Pau Gasol?  

oh yeah dude ... you bad!

now I know a lot of you know that I'm a Laker fan and are probably saying that I'm only making a big deal about this because of that.  I say to that ... maybe so, but Blake posterizing Pau and Blake trying to punk Pau are two different things in my mind.  that's like trying to punk Barney or the Dalai Lama.  everyone knows he will beast on ANYTHING!!!  he don't have to be a punk.  this is what Pau had to say about it:

you gonna try to punk THAT?  wow, Blake.  wow.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Put Me in The Game Coach!

This is Z-Money coming in late in the season to throw in my "not so expert" opinion on this NBA Season.

The shortened season is coming to an end and its time to start looking at possible playoff match ups. It's looking like the Thunder are going to run away with the West and the Bulls are pulling ahead of the East without MVP “D. Rose”, Scary!  

With only a month left in the season start to watch teams that get hot. The Jazz went from 11th in the west to 7th on a 6 game win streak this last week that ended in a quad-overtime loss to Atlanta. No teams position in safe in this condensed season.

Power Ranking: 
  1. Bulls - Winning tough games without Rose, watch out!
  2. Thunder - Durant & Co. with newcomer D. Fisher could be running away with the west.
  3. Heat - Time to panic? Really need to tighten the D and turn up the O if this is Heats Year.
  4. Spurs - The team that took it all last lockout season could be making a run this year.
  5. Orlando - Getting their money worth by keeping D12 for the season but will it pay off?
  6. Lakers - The offense is clicking and Kobe is punching the bench in frustration...
  7. Hawks - Made it through a  tough 3 game series with a 4OT win over the hot Jazz.
  8. Pacers - Lost a tough game in Phoenix but watch for them to make some noise in the East.
  9. 76ers - Seems to be cooling off after a hot stretch in the season but still is a threat in the East.
  10. Celtics - May be old and on there last leg but have the experience to cause problems in the East.
  11. Clippers - Got a much needed win over Memphis and I am expecting them to bounce back this week.
  12. Memphis - Needs to keep cranking out wins to secure that playoff spot.
  13. Jazz - How did they go on a 6 almost 7 game win streak? Watch out for this young team to click, get hot, and shake up the playoff race in the west.
  14. Suns - May be cooling off but Nash is going to do everything he can to get to the playoffs again.
  15. Knicks - If NY can figure there stuff out and be the team they are on paper the East is just as unsafe as the West.
  16. Dallas - Sleeper team of the West? Might be slowing down but lets not forget what happened last year to the Mavs.
  17. Nuggets - Slowly slipping away as a power in the northwest division. Need to tighten up the D.
  18. Bucks - Can they clinch that number 8 spot in the east?
  19. Rockets - Getting better and could be another team that gets hot and makes it to the playoffs.
  20. Golden State -  Rebuilding and could cause problems for playoff contenting teams in the west.
  21. Kings - Have good young talent but not enough to make a playoff run but enough to upset some playoff contenders.
  22. Minnesota - Lose of Ricky probably ruined a playoff run but still could come from behind.
  23. Portland - Rebuilding time and no playoffs in 2012!
  24. Nets - Will be cleaning out their lockers soon and Dwill is going to be packing his bags if things don't change soon.
  25. Raptors - Have shown potential this year and could cause problems to higher seeded teams in the east looking to secure a playoff spot.
  26. Piston - 5 game losing streak what else can be said.
  27. Hornets - Enjoy your win over CP3.
  28. Cavs - Maybe will make a push for the playoffs... next year!
  29. DC - Need Nene under the basket to have a chance to win a game
  30. Bobcats - 7 wins? Blown out by the Nets? I think some D-league teams could contend with the Cats.
There you have it. Let me know what you think?

Friday, March 23, 2012

Jason Smith vs Blake Griffin

here's the thing ... when you get a front row seat to this:
... or get burnt like this:
... or you have to watch this all night long:
you may get a little disheartened, embarrassed, annoyed and maybe a bit frustrated.  after all, who does this Blake Griffin character think he is anyway?  jumping all high ... being all athletic ... and turning everyone into either a poster or a screen saver!  

so what do you do?

Jason Smith knew what to do.  watch this video and gather your thoughts.
ok ... what's your initial reaction?  no I'm not talking to Jason Smith ... I'm talking to you and the 4 other guys that read this post.  all 5 of you.

I know what you're saying ... that's what Griffin gets for making people look ridiculous.  he gets spilt on the floor like a dropped bottle of Sunny D.  I mean, it's all his fault for rubbing his belly in the faces of about 45% of everyone in the NBA.  Blake ... it's your fault these guys can't hang.  why do you have to have such a quick first step and why do you have to be so explosive.  just be normal and no one will have to put you down, son!  

hopefully, Blake Griffin will learn his lesson.

in all seriousness, this guy Jason Smith is a piece of work.  dude, I know you got showed up by a superior athlete but what is your problem?  don't feel special bro, he does that to everyone.

there are a few this that really disappoint me about this scenario:
1)  after the play, Jason Smith started clapping and getting the crowd hype like he made a good play.  my man ... your play was horrible!  you couldn't contain the City so you had to knock him to the floor?  control yourself man.  this ain't the NFL and you don't play on the Saints.  you ain't getting no bonus for that.
2)  when Smith finally gets ejected, the fans start to cheer for him like he did a good thing.  he high-fives people on his way out.  PEOPLE ... hockey check a dude in basketball is not cool.  when Andrew Bynum famously checked JJ Barea in the playoffs last year, Laker fans knew that was a cheap shot at least and a possible career ending injury at most.  they didn't applaud him (and that is saying a lot about a fanbase that will riot when their team wins) like he did something good.  have some class people.  you would think people in New Orleans would learn something from this whole Saints debacle.

Jason Smith should get suspended for a few games.  there was no attempt at the ball.  no attempt to wrap the player.  there was a shoulder check and then there was Blake Griffin on the floor.  throw the book at him.  if you feel the way Jalen Rose feels about it, then you should get checked like that and see how you feel about it afterwards.

I may post again just on Jalen's comments because they are ludicrous. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thundering Fish

Derek Fisher suited up for the Oklahoma City Thunder tonight after signing with the team earlier today.  with this move it's obvious that Fish wants to win another championship this year.  shacking up with OKC and turning down an offer from the Miami Heat tells me a few things about Derek Fisher.

1)  he has the desire to win.  pretty much everyone in the NBA wants to win a championship (with exception of the few bench warmers who are just glad to be in the NBA) but there are few with Kobe's resolve to just win.  Derek Fisher after winning 5 titles with the Lakers Derek would love to get that coveted number 6 before Kobe.  he has the desire and the pedigree.

2)  choosing the Thunder over Heat tells me he has loyalty.  at least that's what I hope.  obviously, I don't have any kind of in with anyone in the D-Fish camp but I consider myself an optimist.  so for clarification, I would like to think that OKC won the Fish bid because he didn't want to play with LeBron, D-Wade and co.  maybe it's an eastern conference vs western conference thing but what it probably boiled down to Oklahoma could give Derek more money then Miami could.

looking up at the picture above also tells me a few things about Derek Fisher.

1)  he got a huge bottom lip.

2)  that bottom lip of his is hanging.