Thursday, February 16, 2012

Is Your Game Right?

there is plenty of talent that goes unseen and unheard of as they are passed on by college recruiters and by NBA scouts.  as you read this post, there are literally thousands of guys out there who are busting their respective behinds to try and make a career out of hooping it up.  New York Knick Jeremy Lin is one of the most recent examples of this.  his story tells all the underdogs out there that even if you get overlooked, you can work hard and still make it.  

but even as the great LINstrument of Destruction can attest, although hours upon hours in the gym, eating right, playing in summer leagues and getting your name out there can possibly score your that coveted NBA contract, it doesn't prepare for everything else that comes with being an NBA star.  constant media coverage, interview opportunities and fan attention can have an adverse effect if you are not prepared for it.

many a baller spend so much time on their game that they don't think about the side effects of being a star.  here are some tips to help you to keep your star rising and not make yourself look like baboon in front of the world.

2) ACT NATURAL ... unless you are naturally a moron.  then act unnatural.
3) SMILE as much as you possibly can .... but only do this if you've already done number one.
4) every once in a while ... BE SEEN AT A MCDONALDS!  then people will relate.
6) MAKE SURE YOUR THREADS ARE RELEVANT!  not like Metta World Peace or Dennis Rodman.
8) DON'T GO TO COLORADO!  (ask Kobe.  he'll verify)

if you do these 8 things, you will navigate your way through superstardom without making yourself look like an idiot.

you're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with this subatlantic notions of a list! You hit the tail on the donkey! So much goes by the way of Zeus and non talents doesnt allow the upper motivated to shine! Good for LINmaineous!
