Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blake Griffin: Man Of Finesse!

watch the following clip and think about what impresses you most about this play.

Griffin has hops.  Griffin has hang time.  Griffin can throw down the baddest dunks.  he's been there, we've seen that.

but why does Griffin have to fall so ugly on this play?  basketball players that wipeout usually do so with some level of grace and some sort of style.  on this play, my man falls with neither.  it seems he filled his style quota for the dunk on the delivery and left none for the recovery.

I know it's a small thing but watch it over and over you won't help but smile a bit.

you wanna hear another thing that made me smile?  a friend of mine posted this on Facebook:

once you lick the frosting off a cupcake, it becomes a muffin ... and muffins are healthy.  you're welcome.

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