Saturday, November 17, 2012

Andrew Bynum Vs Himself

It is true that Andrew Bynum is a PREMIER talent in the NBA!  What he can do on court makes him arguably the best center in the league, if not the second best.  There are a couple things that will make it hard for the 76ers new 7 footer to reach his goals of being the best center to ever play the game and guess what .... it's not his skills.

Reason numero uno ... his knees.  Self explanatory.

Reason numero dos ... his attitude.  Anyone who can write off being coached by Kareem Abdul Jabbar is an idiot.  Anyone who can't swallow his coach giving him instructions (like taking three point shots when you're a post up center) is a moron.  Anyone who doesn't get surgery until right before the season starts and then injures the healthy knee  bowling is ridiculous.

I am so glad the Lakers franchise got rid of him and picked up Dwight Howard, even if there are no guarantees he will stay next year.  I'll take the less talented, more athletic Howard over the punk Bynum any day of the week.

I'm tired.

I'm done.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One For The Money, Two For The Gold

I want to have a conversation about this ... I really do.  the main reason being, I'm not too sure how I feel about this.

with the NBA Finals all but won and the NBA season winding down, basketball fans will turn their attention to 2012 Olympics and all eyes will be on team USA's quest for the top podium and Olympic gold for the second straight games and five out of six Olympic games.  4 years ago, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James and company brought the home the gold after a very disappointing campaign in 2004.  

in 1992, FIBA allowed professional players the honor of representing their countries in the Olympic games and the US put together an impressive team of 11 future Hall of Famers including Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Michael Jordan.  These players put aside any differences they might have had playing against each other in the NBA to form what many consider to be the greatest team assembled in any sport.  the best of the best playing for pride and country.

as with team USA's once overwhelming dominance, the times now are different.

in an interview with FoxSports that was published April 11, 2012 Ray Allen had this take:

"You talk about the patriotism that guys should want to play for, but you (need to) find a way to entice the guys," Allen said. "It's not the easiest thing in the world if you play deep in the playoffs and then you get two, three weeks off and then you start training again to play more basketball where it requires you to be away from home and in another country. It's fun, but your body does need a break.

"Everybody says, 'Play for your country.' But (NBA players are) commodities, your businesses. You think about it, you do camps in the summer, you have various opportunities to make money. When you go overseas and play basketball, you lose those opportunties, what you may make… If I'm an accountant and I get outsourced by my firm, I'm going to make some money somewhere else."

shortly after that ESPN reported Dwayne Wade saying:

"It's a lot of things you do for the Olympics -- a lot of jerseys you sell.  We play the whole summer. I do think guys should be compensated. Just like I think college players should be compensated as well. Unfortunately, it's not there. But I think it should be something, you know, there for it."

so this is my question to you the reader:  should Olympic athletes get compensated for their time, energy and risk of injury participating in the games or should the honor and privilege of representing your country be enough?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Should Laker Fans Worry?

Earlier today the Lakers completed a season sweep of the defending NBA champs Dallas Mavericks in a thrilling 112-108 overtime victory at Staples.  They are now the proud owners of a 4 game winning streak and, get this, Kobe Bryant isn't even playing as he is resting his shins.  Bynum, Pau and the boys are 4 of 5 without the NBA's leading scorer and with 2 weeks left in the regular season, many people in LA are excited at the Lakers teamwork and the monster play of Andrew Bynum, Pau Gasol and Ramon Sessions.

The Lakers are playing great team ball and are winning games against teams that are expected to compete for the Western Conference title.  Drew is simply dominating, Pau is playing very well, Sessions is doing exactly what he was brought here to do and Kobe is resting.  Things are looking good heading into the playoffs.

.... Or are they?

I am one Laker fan that is worried and maybe it's just paranoia ... I'll admit that I am a skeptic when it comes to my team not because I don't believe but rather I don't want to get my hopes up to be let down.  But I think that I have some pretty good reasons to be skeptical about the Lakers going into the playoffs.  Let me see if I can explain this accurately.

1)  Kobe is a ballhog.  I make no qualms about it.  In these last 5 games without him the Lakers have found a chemistry that is working for them.  Whether it'll get them through the playoffs is still yet to be seen but for now they are playing well without the Mamba, moving the ball and giving guys chances to prove their worth.  When 24 gets back into the rotation, it'll probably throw everything they've gained out of wack.  Kobe takes 20+ shots a night and sometimes he is a black hole.  Everyone who was forced to step up will be relegated back to giving the ball to Kobe or Bynum and defense.  The Lakers balance has always been an issue with Kobe Bryant on the floor.  ALWAYS.

2)  Andrew Bynum is a punk.  Having 2 alpha players on one team is never good ... remember the Shaq and Kobe years.  As a player Andrew Bynum is really coming into his own but he has always been a punk.  This is a kid who told Kareem that he didn't need his help any more.  This is a kid who doesn't listen to his coach takes shots that are not smart at times that are even more ridiculous.  This is a kid who always thought he was hot shitake mushrooms but was held back by his constant injuries and now that he's healthy and playing EXTREMELY well, he is starting to act out.  I don't know if the Mamba and a big egoed Bynum will bode well for the future of the Lakers.

3)  Mike Brown still doesn't have control over the team and the faith of the fans.  This point has taken sort of a back seat since they are winning but if they start losing again, everyone will point fingers ... again.  Mike Brown is a good coach and is still proving his worth but to most Laker fans you have to prove it before they believe it.  Whether or not the players will fully buy in to Mike Brown Head Coach ... I just don't know at this point.

4)  Last year the Lakers played VERY WELL directly after all star weekend but fell apart heading into the playoffs.  With 2 weeks left in the regular season, there is still some room to unravel.  After seeing what happened last year, I'm not holding my breath.

Don't get me wrong, the Los Angeles still has a lot of things going for them.  Bynum beasting everyone, Pau filling the leadership gap the D-Fish left, MWP and Matt Barnes playing a lot better, Ramon Sessions and Kobe will be rested going into the playoffs.  These are things that will keep the Lakernation hopeful and excited for the playoffs, I won't count my chickens before they hatch.

If you are a Laker fan ... you shouldn't either.

Friday, April 6, 2012

You a BEAST! Don't Be a PUNK!!

Blake Griffin has been amazing the basketball universe with his amazing array of amazing dunks.  in short, he has been nothing short of ... well ... amazing.

watch this video and formulate some thoughts:

here's the thing ... I've been a Blake Griffin advocate since he started embarrassing people enough to start earning retaliations against him.  some players have even been preemptive in their attacks but Sir Dunks A Lot has always been the better man by walking away and avoiding a possible confrontation with those on the receiving end of one of his "nasties".  I liked him for that.

so my beef with him in this instance is regarding his last dunk on the video over Pau Gasol.  dawg ... why you tryna flex on one of the nicest, most classiest dudes in the NBA ... maybe the WORLD!  you could have flexed on Perkins but you didn't.  that fool Jason Smith straight checked you to the floor and you didn't do a thing.  so you decide to get in the face of Pau Gasol?  

oh yeah dude ... you bad!

now I know a lot of you know that I'm a Laker fan and are probably saying that I'm only making a big deal about this because of that.  I say to that ... maybe so, but Blake posterizing Pau and Blake trying to punk Pau are two different things in my mind.  that's like trying to punk Barney or the Dalai Lama.  everyone knows he will beast on ANYTHING!!!  he don't have to be a punk.  this is what Pau had to say about it:

you gonna try to punk THAT?  wow, Blake.  wow.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Put Me in The Game Coach!

This is Z-Money coming in late in the season to throw in my "not so expert" opinion on this NBA Season.

The shortened season is coming to an end and its time to start looking at possible playoff match ups. It's looking like the Thunder are going to run away with the West and the Bulls are pulling ahead of the East without MVP “D. Rose”, Scary!  

With only a month left in the season start to watch teams that get hot. The Jazz went from 11th in the west to 7th on a 6 game win streak this last week that ended in a quad-overtime loss to Atlanta. No teams position in safe in this condensed season.

Power Ranking: 
  1. Bulls - Winning tough games without Rose, watch out!
  2. Thunder - Durant & Co. with newcomer D. Fisher could be running away with the west.
  3. Heat - Time to panic? Really need to tighten the D and turn up the O if this is Heats Year.
  4. Spurs - The team that took it all last lockout season could be making a run this year.
  5. Orlando - Getting their money worth by keeping D12 for the season but will it pay off?
  6. Lakers - The offense is clicking and Kobe is punching the bench in frustration...
  7. Hawks - Made it through a  tough 3 game series with a 4OT win over the hot Jazz.
  8. Pacers - Lost a tough game in Phoenix but watch for them to make some noise in the East.
  9. 76ers - Seems to be cooling off after a hot stretch in the season but still is a threat in the East.
  10. Celtics - May be old and on there last leg but have the experience to cause problems in the East.
  11. Clippers - Got a much needed win over Memphis and I am expecting them to bounce back this week.
  12. Memphis - Needs to keep cranking out wins to secure that playoff spot.
  13. Jazz - How did they go on a 6 almost 7 game win streak? Watch out for this young team to click, get hot, and shake up the playoff race in the west.
  14. Suns - May be cooling off but Nash is going to do everything he can to get to the playoffs again.
  15. Knicks - If NY can figure there stuff out and be the team they are on paper the East is just as unsafe as the West.
  16. Dallas - Sleeper team of the West? Might be slowing down but lets not forget what happened last year to the Mavs.
  17. Nuggets - Slowly slipping away as a power in the northwest division. Need to tighten up the D.
  18. Bucks - Can they clinch that number 8 spot in the east?
  19. Rockets - Getting better and could be another team that gets hot and makes it to the playoffs.
  20. Golden State -  Rebuilding and could cause problems for playoff contenting teams in the west.
  21. Kings - Have good young talent but not enough to make a playoff run but enough to upset some playoff contenders.
  22. Minnesota - Lose of Ricky probably ruined a playoff run but still could come from behind.
  23. Portland - Rebuilding time and no playoffs in 2012!
  24. Nets - Will be cleaning out their lockers soon and Dwill is going to be packing his bags if things don't change soon.
  25. Raptors - Have shown potential this year and could cause problems to higher seeded teams in the east looking to secure a playoff spot.
  26. Piston - 5 game losing streak what else can be said.
  27. Hornets - Enjoy your win over CP3.
  28. Cavs - Maybe will make a push for the playoffs... next year!
  29. DC - Need Nene under the basket to have a chance to win a game
  30. Bobcats - 7 wins? Blown out by the Nets? I think some D-league teams could contend with the Cats.
There you have it. Let me know what you think?

Friday, March 23, 2012

Jason Smith vs Blake Griffin

here's the thing ... when you get a front row seat to this:
... or get burnt like this:
... or you have to watch this all night long:
you may get a little disheartened, embarrassed, annoyed and maybe a bit frustrated.  after all, who does this Blake Griffin character think he is anyway?  jumping all high ... being all athletic ... and turning everyone into either a poster or a screen saver!  

so what do you do?

Jason Smith knew what to do.  watch this video and gather your thoughts.
ok ... what's your initial reaction?  no I'm not talking to Jason Smith ... I'm talking to you and the 4 other guys that read this post.  all 5 of you.

I know what you're saying ... that's what Griffin gets for making people look ridiculous.  he gets spilt on the floor like a dropped bottle of Sunny D.  I mean, it's all his fault for rubbing his belly in the faces of about 45% of everyone in the NBA.  Blake ... it's your fault these guys can't hang.  why do you have to have such a quick first step and why do you have to be so explosive.  just be normal and no one will have to put you down, son!  

hopefully, Blake Griffin will learn his lesson.

in all seriousness, this guy Jason Smith is a piece of work.  dude, I know you got showed up by a superior athlete but what is your problem?  don't feel special bro, he does that to everyone.

there are a few this that really disappoint me about this scenario:
1)  after the play, Jason Smith started clapping and getting the crowd hype like he made a good play.  my man ... your play was horrible!  you couldn't contain the City so you had to knock him to the floor?  control yourself man.  this ain't the NFL and you don't play on the Saints.  you ain't getting no bonus for that.
2)  when Smith finally gets ejected, the fans start to cheer for him like he did a good thing.  he high-fives people on his way out.  PEOPLE ... hockey check a dude in basketball is not cool.  when Andrew Bynum famously checked JJ Barea in the playoffs last year, Laker fans knew that was a cheap shot at least and a possible career ending injury at most.  they didn't applaud him (and that is saying a lot about a fanbase that will riot when their team wins) like he did something good.  have some class people.  you would think people in New Orleans would learn something from this whole Saints debacle.

Jason Smith should get suspended for a few games.  there was no attempt at the ball.  no attempt to wrap the player.  there was a shoulder check and then there was Blake Griffin on the floor.  throw the book at him.  if you feel the way Jalen Rose feels about it, then you should get checked like that and see how you feel about it afterwards.

I may post again just on Jalen's comments because they are ludicrous. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thundering Fish

Derek Fisher suited up for the Oklahoma City Thunder tonight after signing with the team earlier today.  with this move it's obvious that Fish wants to win another championship this year.  shacking up with OKC and turning down an offer from the Miami Heat tells me a few things about Derek Fisher.

1)  he has the desire to win.  pretty much everyone in the NBA wants to win a championship (with exception of the few bench warmers who are just glad to be in the NBA) but there are few with Kobe's resolve to just win.  Derek Fisher after winning 5 titles with the Lakers Derek would love to get that coveted number 6 before Kobe.  he has the desire and the pedigree.

2)  choosing the Thunder over Heat tells me he has loyalty.  at least that's what I hope.  obviously, I don't have any kind of in with anyone in the D-Fish camp but I consider myself an optimist.  so for clarification, I would like to think that OKC won the Fish bid because he didn't want to play with LeBron, D-Wade and co.  maybe it's an eastern conference vs western conference thing but what it probably boiled down to Oklahoma could give Derek more money then Miami could.

looking up at the picture above also tells me a few things about Derek Fisher.

1)  he got a huge bottom lip.

2)  that bottom lip of his is hanging.

Friday, March 16, 2012

You Stay Classy Derek Fisher!

I'm more than 650 miles away and I feel it.  this morning was much like any other morning in Los Angeles but slightly different because while everyone is busy doing what they do everyday, there is a small void in their hearts.  there is a hole in the middle of Lakerland and in the hearts of Laker fans worldwide because this morning ... Derek Fisher is no longer a member of the Los Angeles Lakers.

I can't speak for the rest of the Lakernation because that would be presumptuous of me.  I can, however, tell you why I'm gonna miss D-Fish.

Laker fans will tell you.  non-Laker fans will tell you.  Fish is old.  Fish is slow.  Fish doesn't score enough.  Fish rarely posts double digit assists.  the Lakers have THE WORST point guard play in the NBA.  Fish and Blake were horrible.  these things are well known and well documented.  and many Laker fans will agree ... Fish needed to go.

but not like this.

not traded away to nothingness.  Derek Fisher should have retired last year as a Laker and went out with the organization that he spent all but 2 and a half years with.  but he didn't.  

and here we are.

though his play on the court will not be missed (except in crunch time), it's the other things that Derek Fisher brought to the Lakers organization that have Laker fans feeling like they've lost a member of the their families.  character.  class.  toughness.  clutch.  leadership.  savvy.  loyalty.  these are some of the intangibles that Derek Fisher brought, not only to his game but in the locker room and to the organization.  

remember when Derek Fisher hit that shot with .4 seconds on the clock against the Spurs?  clutch.

remember when the Lakers were on the verge of collapse in the Finals against Boston and Derek Fisher drove the length of the court and got pummeled by 3 Celtics as he hit the layup and kept the Lakers in the game.  toughness.

hey Luis Scola, I know you guys are teammates now but do you remember Derek Fisher?  loyalty.

remember when the Lakers were falling apart earlier this season amidst trade rumors and poor bench play?  Derek Fisher called a team meeting and got everyone back on the same page.  leadership.

but the most interesting thing to me will be the effect on Kobe Bryant.  remember when Derek Fisher played those years with the Warriors and the Jazz?  now do you remember that Kobe was out of control those years?  Derek Fisher came back and calmed him down and helped get him 2 more rings.  that's the guy I'm gonna miss the most.  

Kobe is a man looking down on everyone else in the NBA.  nobody can tell him anything because they have not done what he's done.  they weren't there during all 5 championship runs.  they didn't have to struggle, fight and claw their way into history like he did.  they weren't in the trenches when the chips were down and their backs were against the wall.  sure there were people there ... but not for all of it.  well ... except for Derek Fisher.

when Kobe starts getting all dictatorship in practice, in the games or in the media ... there is one dude ... and dude only, that can tell Kobe to shut his trap and that Kobe respects enough to listen to.  that man was just traded away yesterday.  I would venture to say that Kobe doesn't even respect Mike Brown as much as he respects Derek Fisher.

that's the guy I'm gonna miss.

in a hundred years from now when people talk about the all-time greatest Lakers in history, I hope D-Fish will be mentioned in the conversation.  his greatness was much more than his stats will ever show.  

good luck to you Derek Fisher!  

thanks for the memories.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kobe .... Of The Opera?

last night, the Los Angeles Lakers played the Minnesota Timberwolves in LA and La Mamba Negro was doing his best Rip Hamilton impression by sporting a mask to cover his all star weekend battle wound.  in case you missed it, here are some pictures of Kobe Bryant starring as The Phantom of the Staples Center.  (enter soft organ music now)
night time sharpens, heightens each sensation ....
darkness stirs and wakes imagination .....
silently the senses abandon their defenses helpless to resist the notes I write .....

help me make the music of the night!  .... aaaaaand CRESCENDO! 
mask and all, he ended the night with 31 points, 7 rebounds, 8 assists and 1 steal.  and no I did not write those lyrics from memory except for the ones I couldn't remember so I made them up.  no ways did any of that just happen.

Friday, February 24, 2012

RASHEED WALLACE ... Definite Maybe.

there have been reports saying Rasheed Wallace is planning on coming out of retirement and joining a struggling Lakers squad.  which would be all fine a dandy if he were gonna play backup to Pau Gasol but one has to wonder why they are signing another big man when we need a PG!  the speculation is that the Lakers are planning on moving Pau Gasol to get a quality point guard.

as an avid Laker fan I have to wonder WHAT THE HECK THEY ARE THINKING?  

Rasheed is a 37 year old retiree and hasn't played a minute since game 7 of the 2010 finals.  they say he is in great shape but I'm not too sure who "they" are and whether I trust whatever "they" have to say.  

it would be one thing getting this Rasheed:
or even this Rasheed:
even this Rasheed played well behind Kevin Garnett:
but who knows what Rasheed will look like as a 37 year old coming out of retirement.  

I would absolutely love to have Rasheed Wallace as a member of the Los Angeles Lakers but as a back up to Pau Gasol.  if they trade Gasol and ask Sheed to to the heavy lifting at PF, I don't see how that's gonna work out.  are they gonna start Josh McRoberts or Troy Murphy?  I just don't know what they are thinking.

Jim Buss is destroying the Lakers and only one thing can save him .... if he can pull a big name.  but I DO NOT see that happening.  Jim is not Jerry.  Mitch is being relegated to press conferences and answering phones while Jim is trying to make the Lakers "his" team but I don't trust his decision making.  he didn't go for Chauncey Billups.  he didn't go for Baron Davis.  he didn't go for Nate Robinson.  he did trade for Chris Paul so I gotta give him props for that but there were others out there that he didn't pursue.

the Laker front office looks like it's in shambles and doesn't look like it'll get any better until it gets much, much worse.  we the Laker faithful can only sit, pray and hope for the best sooner than later.

hey Jim or Mitch ... I got an idea.  keep Pau, keep Sheed release Luke or Kapono and try to get Aaron Brooks.  what do you think?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blake Griffin: Man Of Finesse!

watch the following clip and think about what impresses you most about this play.

Griffin has hops.  Griffin has hang time.  Griffin can throw down the baddest dunks.  he's been there, we've seen that.

but why does Griffin have to fall so ugly on this play?  basketball players that wipeout usually do so with some level of grace and some sort of style.  on this play, my man falls with neither.  it seems he filled his style quota for the dunk on the delivery and left none for the recovery.

I know it's a small thing but watch it over and over you won't help but smile a bit.

you wanna hear another thing that made me smile?  a friend of mine posted this on Facebook:

once you lick the frosting off a cupcake, it becomes a muffin ... and muffins are healthy.  you're welcome.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Is Your Game Right?

there is plenty of talent that goes unseen and unheard of as they are passed on by college recruiters and by NBA scouts.  as you read this post, there are literally thousands of guys out there who are busting their respective behinds to try and make a career out of hooping it up.  New York Knick Jeremy Lin is one of the most recent examples of this.  his story tells all the underdogs out there that even if you get overlooked, you can work hard and still make it.  

but even as the great LINstrument of Destruction can attest, although hours upon hours in the gym, eating right, playing in summer leagues and getting your name out there can possibly score your that coveted NBA contract, it doesn't prepare for everything else that comes with being an NBA star.  constant media coverage, interview opportunities and fan attention can have an adverse effect if you are not prepared for it.

many a baller spend so much time on their game that they don't think about the side effects of being a star.  here are some tips to help you to keep your star rising and not make yourself look like baboon in front of the world.

2) ACT NATURAL ... unless you are naturally a moron.  then act unnatural.
3) SMILE as much as you possibly can .... but only do this if you've already done number one.
4) every once in a while ... BE SEEN AT A MCDONALDS!  then people will relate.
6) MAKE SURE YOUR THREADS ARE RELEVANT!  not like Metta World Peace or Dennis Rodman.
8) DON'T GO TO COLORADO!  (ask Kobe.  he'll verify)

if you do these 8 things, you will navigate your way through superstardom without making yourself look like an idiot.

you're welcome.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

For the Love of the Game...or Money?

Terence Jones, Fab Melo, Jared Sullinger, Harrison Barnes, and Perry Jones III were arguably considered in the top 10 pro prospects of last years NBA draft had they not decided to stay in college. With the eventual NBA lockout looming on the horizon, these fabulous five forwards foresaw a financial faux pas and chose to stay in school for the love of the game.

Check out the top 10 picks from the 2011 NBA draft:

1 Cleveland Kyrie Irving 6-3 191 PG Duke Fr.
2 Minnesota Derrick Williams 6-8 248 SF/PF Arizona So.
3 Utah Enes Kanter 6-11 259 PF/C Kentucky Fr.
4 Cleveland Tristan Thompson 6-9 227 PF Texas Fr.
5 Toronto Jonas Valanciunas 6-11 240 C Lithuania Intl.
6 Washington Jan Vesely 6-11 230 SF/PF Czech Republic Intl.
7 Sacramento Bismack Biyombo 6-9 243 C Congo Intl.
8 Detroit Brandon Knight 6-3 177 PG/SG Kentucky Fr.
9 Charlotte Kemba Walker 6-1 184 PG UConn Jr.
10 Milwaukee Jimmer Fredette 6-2 196 PG BYU Sr.

Other than perennial power house schools Duke and Kentucky, who manage to reload every year, none of the college programs represented by the top 10 picks of last year are in the top ten this year. Arizona, UCONN and BYU made impressive runs in the NCAA Tournament. With the eventual champions UCONN surging behind the brilliance of Kemba Walker.

Texas underachieved last year, losing to Arizona in the tournament and are in a rebuilding year this year. Arizona lost to UCONN in the Elite Eight in quite possibly the best game of 2011, and are now trying to figure out how to win without Derrick Williams. BYU had a Haley's comet like year that won't soon be duplicated, especially now that they are playing basketball in the West Coast Conference, which is weaker than the Mountain West Conference. And UCONN is lost with out Kemba.

In the wake of NCAA investigations regarding Ryan Boatright, self imposed sanctions stemming from poor cumulative grades, and health concerns with their head coach Jim Calhoun, UCONN can be optimistic with the notion of being invited to the NIT this year. Following this year the magic of Big East basketball will be gone as well. What made the emergence of last year's Huskies so miraculous, was their impressive hot knife through butter like swath through the Big East tourney. Under the hot lights of Madison Square Garden, Kemba and his band of warriors fought off the best to become the best.

The misfortunes of Texas, Arizona, UCONN and BYU can be traced back to the decisions of Tristan Thompson, Derrick Williams, Kemba Walker and even Jimmer Fredette wanting to create fortunes for themselves by going into the NBA draft. Jimmer could have requested a red shirt year, citing his phenomenal year and urging the NCAA to keep him around forever in order to gross more revenue for the NCAA. If those that run the BCS were involved with that decision, then Jimmer would become the first ever 24th year senior. They would have kept him around until the time his kids became NCAA eligible.

In stark contrast of the teams struggling this year are the teams of those fab five forwards who decided to avoid being locked out and instead enjoy being a college kid and chase a championship. Terence Jones, Fab Melo, Jared Sullinger, Harrison Barnes, and Perry Jones III. Kentucky, Syracuse, Ohio State, North Carolina and Baylor, ranked in the ESPN/USA Today Coaches Poll Week 15 (Feb. 13) as numbers 1, 2, 6, 7 & 10.

Kids stay in school...unless you don't mind being locked out for several months and you are guaranteed MILLIONS of dollars.

Cue the Bone Thugs N Harmony track...


Floyd Mayweather Jr. is a prime example of why some people need to have an "idiot auto-edit" feature implanted in their head. Preferably some where in between his brain and his ignorant mouth, there needs to be a "stupid" proof mechanism in place to shield the world from anymore oh his feeble-mindedness. Evidently Mayweather Jr. has taken far too many punches to the head. Furthermore, to his point that black players do what Jeremy Lin does every night is not only ignorant but it is blatantly false. I have no issue with him voicing his opinion, but when he failed at mixing in facts with fiction he just looks like a fool. In Jeremy Lin's first 4 starts of his career he scored more points (109 points) since the NBA/ABA merger in 1976-1977, also he became the first player in NBA history to tally at least 20 points and seven assists in each of his first four starts. I hope Floyd Mayweather Jr. has enough brain cells left to read and comprehend that last sentence. MOST BY ANY PLAYER. That includes black, white, brown and Asian players.

Let's all hope that Mayweather Jr. either shuts up when his racists thoughts are spawned by his slowly deteriorating insignificant half of a brain, or that he realizes the error of his ways quickly and apologizes to EVERYONE for his remarks.

Unfortunately the "Dream" is still not yet a reality.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Dwight Howard & Big Baby to Warriors for Monta Ellis, David Lee & Ekpe Udoh. Also Clippers close to signing J.R. Smith? Hmm...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Dear NBA coaches & Commissioner Stern,

We collectively would like to inform you that you are all out of your minds. We feel that you have all been fooled into thinking that you know what's best for the league. Those players that you have chosen as the reserves for the 2012 NBA All Star game are neither qualified nor are they deserving of being an All Star this year.

To quote Sir Charles Barkley, "the All Star game is NOT a lifetime achievement award!"

The following are undeserving and we agree that basketball fans all over the world will concur.

Western Conference Reserves:

Steve Nash (Phoenix)
Dirk Nowitzki (Dallas)
Tony Parker (San Antonio)
Russell Westbrook (Oklahoma City)

Eastern Conference Reserves:

Joe Johnson (Atlanta)
Paul Pierce (Boston)
Deron Williams (New Jersey)

Thank you for making it easier for us to work harder in the off season.

Sincerely yours,

Kyle Lowry (Houston)
Rudy Gay (Memphis)
Nene (Denver)
Ty Lawson (Denver)
Josh Smith (Atlanta)
Lou Williams (Philadelphia)
Danny Granger (Indiana)

Thursday, February 9, 2012


With his entrance into the NBA, Yao Ming ushered in an era of tremendous growth for the game of basketball primarily in China but also on the international stage as a whole. Hoisting the hopes and dreams of a country of 1.3 billion people proved to be as much of a physical impossibility as it was a mental and emotional strain. Eventually the great wall of Yao Ming's 7 foot 6 inch frame couldn't hold the weight and his feet crumbled like those statues of ancient Greece and Rome. And just as with the fall of Rome gave birth to a new era, we see a new hero rising from the ashes...the ashes of Harvard University?

Follow the Jeremy Lin timeline: He was the Northern California High School Player of the year in his senior season. He excelled in the Ivy League while playing the combo guard position at the MOST prestigious educational institution in the world, Harvard University. On draft night, even though he was the Ivy League player of the year after his senior year of college, Jeremy went undrafted and he began his career as an NBA journeyman. Cut by the Dallas Mavericks and then cut by his hometown Warriors, followed by being cut by the Houston Rockets, he is now playing in the Mecca of the world and the undisputed capital of basketball- New York City for the Knicks. From Palo Alto, to Boston, to Dallas to Oakland through Houston, Jeremy Lin now resides in the cathedral of hoops-Madison Square Garden.

Jeremy Lin may be what the sports marketing world has been looking for. He has mass crossover appeal, while appealing to the masses with his crossover.

Do you hear that? I just heard 1.3 billion people reaching for their pockets looking for money to purchase a Jeremy Lin #17 jersey.

We're Talking Lakers and Celtics ... Again!

so ... the Lakers and Celtics play tonight.  

guess what ....


in the few years since they last met in the finals, both clubs have had their share bad off-seasons and trades that didn't turn-out-to-be.  these 2 elite clubs .... the 2 GREATEST franchises in NBA history ... have been shelved as teams of the past while the younger generation of superstar players and teams come in and dominate scoreboards and headlines across the NBA.

the question "Who's gonna win tonight?" is not as interesting as it was a few short years ago when both teams were expected to win their respective conferences.  so instead of asking "Who's gonna win tonight?", I'm gonna take a page from ESPN First Take and ask the question they asked on their show.  

Who has a better shot at making the Finals: Lakers or Celtics?

I asked Buddha (an avid Celtics fan and future post writer here on Dalai Lama for 3!!!) this very question an this was our exchange:

Buddha:  That's a difficult question. Celtics are getting healthy and playing well but they haven't beat anyone with a winning record yet. Lakers are v not as deep without Odom & Kobe is playing at a high level & Bynum is playing well too, but bench is still weak. They way they're playing now I'd say the Celtics but there are still a lot of ifs.
Me: I would say the Lakers have a better chance (but not by much) because of the conference they play in. I think the C's will have a harder time beating the Heat and the Bulls in a 7 game series than the Lakers will have beating the Thunder, the Mavs, the Spurs, the Clips or the Grizzlies. I'd say Lakers but just barely.
Buddha:  But the biggest if is if other teams can knock out both The Heat and The Bulls. So the Lakers have the path of least resistance especially since Memphis doesn't have Zach Randolph & Thunder still have a lot of growth to go through with end of game management specifically in regards to Westbrook. Trailblazers are streaky and Spurs are still dangerous. Clippers will go far but I don't think they can make the Finals without Chauncey.
Me: I concur.

What do you think?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Newest Lob City Resident: Kenyon Martin

What's old news?  The basketball scene in Los Angeles has completely turned upside down.  The Clippers have added some serious ballers to make a run in the west while the Lakers lost a vital piece of their 3 tries at the title (winning 2) and have replaced him with .... nothing.  The Lakers roster is filled with people that will just fill spots on their roster.

What's old news?  The Clippers added top PG Chris Paul, veteran leader Chauncey Billups (while retaining their starting PG from last year Mo Williams) and veteran swingman Caron Butler to play with uber-jumpers Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan while the Lakers added ... Jason Kapono, Josh McRoberts and Troy Murphy.  

Hmmmm ....

What's new news?  (well ... relatively new)  The Clippers improved their depth in the front court by adding Kenyon Martin to back up Griffin at PF and The Lakers .... well ... they just beat Denver for their 3rd win on the road ... ALL SEASON.

While the Clippers are clearly showing they are committed to putting together a squad of contenders, the Lakers are showing nothing.  They can't make a solid acquisition to save their lives.  Jim Buss and Mitch Kupchak manage to address the PG situation by sleeping on Chauncey, missing out on Baron Davis and not signing Nate Robinson.  

Are the Lakers gonna be able to do anything to make this season worth it?  Kobe is getting old so his window is closing, Pau is on the downside of his career and Andrew Bynum can't stay healthy for a full season.  Meanwhile the bosses in Lakerland sit and do NOTHING!  

Meanwhile across town, the Clipshow add quality players, elite talent and veteran savvy.


This post wasn't supposed to be about the Lakers and the Clippers.  After complaining through this post for the last little bit, maybe I should say what I originally came here to say.

Welcome to LA Mr Martin.

Best Point Guards in the NBA.

So, the other day I was watching First and 10 and they had, Laker alum, Kurt Rambis on with Stephen A. Smith discussing their top 5 point guards in the NBA. I couldn't find the actual footage but here is a video link with only Mr. Rambis.
My top 5 are...
1. Chris Paul - I actually like Williams better and think he is overall better. That being said, I feel Paul is more of a winner than Williams. Paul seems a little bit more deceptive when playing. He seems to flow effortlessly. Again, my top two are pretty much a tie.
2. Deron Williams - I love his overall game on the court. Yes, i said love. While watching he always seems in a hurry and will run out of energy. Yet he never does. I think he could be more into basketball than he is off the court. I still feel he should have stayed in Utah or went somewhere else. Again, its a close second for me here.
3. Derrick Rose - Boy has skills. Its hard to be "The Man" on a team when you're a point guard, without some help. As much as some might like his supporting cast, I'm not a fan. I would rate Rose higher but he needs to close games more often. Missed free throws lately, ouch. That being said, I still like him. Develop more of shot and clutch gene and he moves up.
4. Rajon Rondo - I like his game quite possibly the most. He gets his teammates involved and wins by doing the other things besides scoring. Yes, It's nice when you have Teammates with the names of Pierce, Allen, and Garnett. But they are older, so... Yes, I wouldn't want him to take the last shot in crunch time. See last sentence. He does get steals, rebounds, assists, whatever you need him to do in crucial moments. He not brash and full of himself but stays humble. Needs to find a new team or start recruiting people.
5. Russell Westbrook - He's athletic as any one in the NBA. He can score. He can play some D. He can pass. He's not consistent. He's a bit too selfish. He's young. He has a super star next to him. Can he learn and be humble enough to make it higher. Time will tell. I like the possibilities.
Thats it. There are others, some old, some not. But thats my top 5. What are yours?

I'm an armchair Ref

Hi everyone, I'm here to write articles for basketball, even though I've never played the game. (You're supposed to kick the ball in the basket goal right?)